Achievement Unlocked! is a brand new incentive system for our students. The goal of this approach is to encourage our students to grow spiritually while working to unlock achievement levels in friendly competition with their peers. On this page, you will discover how students can earn points, level up, and get rewarded as they journey deeper in their faith. You can also download a PDF of this overview by clicking the button below. 



In Achievement Unlocked! students earn points by completeing and participating in various tasks and events. Here's how they gain points:

  • +5 Points - Students earn 5 points once per meeting for participating in group discussions and bringin their own bible (BYOB - Bring Your Own Bible)
  • +10 Points - Students earn 10 points each time they attend a regularly scheduled youth meeting, lead a prayer or devotion for our group, volunteer to help at the church, or volunteer to help in the community (community service requires a community service form - click here to download)
  • +20 Points - Students earn 20 points each time they attend a special youth event, retreat, trip, or camp. They also gain 20 points when they bring a first time visitor to a regularly scheduled meeting or special event (excluding trips), complete a bible reading plan or spiritual discipline plan, or when they memorise our foucus bible verse. 
  • BONUS POINTS - Student can earn 100 points for perfect attendance to our meetings for one month (excluding summer & scheduled breaks). If they are caught being kind or going above and beyond in youth group by a leader, they earn 50 points. And finally, they can earn 50 points if they are recongized for outstanding character in the community or at school. 
  • In addition to these methods, other discretionary points may be rewarded by any approved  adult youth leader


As students earn points, they can opt to bank them and level up or spend them on any one of the four reward levels below. Once points are spent on a level, they can't be used again for another reward. However, those points do count toward their year-end running total. At our annual Christmas Party in December, the student who has earned the most points will win the grand prize and be recognized as that year's Achievement Unlocked! Champion!


  • BRONZE - 250 points

    Students may cash in 250 points in exchange for a candy bar or candy of their choice (think candy found at the grocery store check out or at the gas station)


    Students may cash in 500 points in exchange for a $5 Five Below Gift Card

  • GOLD - 750 Points

    Students may cash in 750 points in exchange for a cYouth Blind Bag. This prize contains a variety of cool stuff valued at about $7.50 total. 


    Students may cash in 1000 points in exchange for a $10 Gift Card of their choice.