WELCOME/OPENING: Chairman Dr. Kevin Ward called the meeting to order. There were 8 members present and 4 church staff.

DEVOTION: Reverend Jimmy Cason opened the meeting with prayer

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Richard Beck moved that the minutes be approved as written. Kevin Ward seconded the motion. Motion carried.

PARSONAGE REPORT: Jan Hitt reported that the Parsonage Committee has not yet met and do not have a current update. They did check the Associate Parsonage and found a few minor repairs that needed to be made. Markey Joiner is taking care of those repairs. The Parsonage Committee will meet and give an update at the January meeting.

STEWARDSHIP: Chairman Odis Howze expressed his concern at the low attendance at tonight’s meeting. He gave a Stewardship report that showed that in 2019, there were 196 pledge cards turned in that covered approximately 77% of the budget; in 2020, 133 pledges were made totaling 61% of the budget and in 2021, we are falling short with only 97 pledges so far with 41% of the budget pledged.

The majority of those pledges were made in house on one Sunday. A letter/pledge card has been mailed to church members who have not yet made a pledge.

FINANCE REPORT: Jan Hitt reported that at the end of October 2021, we are behind as far as our budget is concerned. Usually, December gives us a boost and hopefully that will happen again this year. We are behind approximately $65,000.00. She also reported that the Day of Generosity collected $18,000.00 this year which is also lower than year’s past. John David Barr moved that we accept the Finance Report. Kathy Busbee seconded his motion. Motion carried.

Jimmy Cason moved that we pay the World Service Apportionment and the Inter Denominational Cooperative Fund this year. Both are in our budget, but last year we did not pay these two. Kevin Ward seconded his motion. Jimmy explained that the World Service Apportionment provides 1/3 of the missionary support, 1/3 pledge to missions, and 1/3 supporting a particular missionary. After some discussion, the motion was voted on and carried.

2022 BUDGET: Jan Hitt presented the proposed budget (a copy of which is attached to these minutes). Highlighted areas show a difference from last year’s budget. Jan showed that the Conference Mission Shares has gone up statewide (previously called “apportionment”). We also do not have a solid cost of insurance at this time. After a few discussions, Bill Jacob moved that we accept the budget as presented. Tyler Walton seconded. Motion carried.

SPRC: Chairman Bill Jacobs noted increases in staff salaries except for those who were recently hired. The committee is still searching for a Traditional Service Choir Director and Minister of Senior Services. This salary position was not included in the budget. When someone is hired, we will have to amend the budget to cover this position.

LEAD PASTOR REPORT: Jimmy Cason reported that the upcoming Charge Conference on Nov. 20, at 7:00 p.m. is called to discuss the Boy Scouts of America bankruptcy issue that might or might not concern the Methodist churches who sponsor/support local troops. District Superintendent, Dayna Goff, has asked to use Fellowship Hall to set up a Zoom meeting for local churches in our District who do not have Zoom capabilities. There are various times for viewing the Zoom meeting. Jimmy asked that members of the Executive Council take part in one of those meetings or attend the Nov. 20 meeting at Central. Each church is asked to select a member from their Board of Trustees to serve as a designee to serve on the committee to approve or disapprove of the BSA plan of reorganization. Jimmy Cason moved that we adopt the resolution. Kevin Ward seconded the motion. Motion carried. Our new Board of Trustees will begin in January, and they will select the designee at that time.

OLD BUSINESS: Glenda Thomas and Richard Beck reported that the Children’s Center Board has asked that the mask mandate for teachers be lifted since the virus is not as active as it was in August. After some discussion, Tyler Walton moved that the mask mandate be lifted. Bill Jacob seconded the motion. Motion carried. However, Kevin Ward pointed out that if there is another surge over the winter months, we might have to go back to the mask mandate.

NEW BUSINESS: After a recent medical emergency during church service, Kevin Ward noted that we need to be aware that there is a medical emergency team in place as part of our Security Detail. We do have medical kits, but on that particular Sunday, the medical person did not know where the kit was located. This system will be revamped, and other kits will be placed in strategic places around the church for easier access and the Medical Team will be educated as to where and how to access them.

Keith Martin is Co-Chair of the Security/Safety Committee, and he explained the three areas that fall under this committee. First is security: we have 2 private guards each Sunday and church members who are “roamers” circulating around to be sure everyone is safe. Second is the Medical Team which consists of medical personnel who rotate services. Lawrence Mason organizes this group. The third group is placed in the Command Room watching the cameras. They are in contact with the security and the medical team and can let them know if they see something unusual on the cameras. Brad Huff is in charge of the Command Room. Keith reported that the team is putting together a flip chart to go in each classroom which will tell members how to respond to various emergencies. A member of the security team will go around to each class explaining the use of the flip charts. They will also use this opportunity to recruit more church members to help in these areas.

SPRING REVIVAL: Jimmy Cason announced that Bishop James Swanson will lead a Spring revival on March 6-8, 2022. Bishop Swanson will lead both services that Sunday Morning and will lead Monday and Tuesday night services. Paul Sike will lead the music.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Kevin Ward closed the meeting with prayer.

The next meeting will be with our newly organized Council in January. Date to be announced.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary, Glenda Thomas