The links and suggested readings below will aid the parent or guardian of an adolescent in understanding, communicating to teenagers today. The most important thing you can do is LISTEN. Show them that you care by offering a listening ear. Remember, these are some of their most formative years, and YOU - the parent/guardian - are their MOST influential spiritual leader. Lead by example, and take up some of the suggested readings below to give you strength and nourishment to do so.
- - This is a really good collective site that covers an array of topics from theology to family and relationships. Articles are written by pastors, church staff, professors of seminaries, and even laity.
- - A site full of content from youth ministry veteran and guru Jonathan McKee.
- - This is a great place to find ideas and articles about faith-based fatherhood.
- - Youth consume hours of media each day. Stay informed about movies, music, TV, and more with this helpful resource from Focus on the Family.