For additional information, please refer to the following days listed below.



    Contemporary Worship

    Fellowship Hall


    Sunday School


    Traditional Worship



    At Central, we believe in living life connected and would love to connect with you!  We offer two Worship Services every week, both in person and via livestream.

    If you are unable to attend the in-person services, simply click on any of the icons listed below to join us via livestream.  We kindly request that you take a moment to check in so that we can acknowledge your online presence.

    To access Contemporary or Traditional Worship Services, simply click on any of the following icons:

    facebook Central's Facebook page

    vimeo Central's Vimeo page

    Church   Central's Website


    The Zone, Club 412, & Youth



    Easy Chair Yoga

    Yoga Roomrightarrow3rd Floor

    no charge


    behind the Sanctuary balcony


    Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study

    3rd FloorrightarrowAdult Activities Room


    meeting through December 19th



    Easy Chair Yoga

    Yoga Roomrightarrow3rd Floor

    no charge


    behind the Sanctuary balcony


    Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

    see ShelbyNext calendar for rehearsal times and location

    MidWeek Meals


    MidWeek Programs



  • Rotation Sunday School»1st–5th Grades»10-10:40 AM»3rd Floor Elementary Hall

    This Fall's Lineup: 

    "David and the Psalms" 

    "John the Baptist"

    “Get Ready—The Light is Coming!"

    This fall, we will learn about how God uses us, even when we mess up BIG TIME, how God's plan for us may not seem that important to us but can play a BIG part in carrying out His plan, and how in His plan for us, He sent Jesus! We will watch movies, play game shows, have drama, cook, participate in science experiments....and MAYBE eat a few bugs!

  • Sunday Nights»September 10TH-NOVEMBER 12th

    5-6:30 PM» Kindergarten–5th Grades

    We are moving full STEAM ahead!!! Don't miss the Sunday night fun each week as we explore the wonderful world of science through FUN experiments with Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math, and then discover how God speaks to us through them!

  • Wednesday Nights at the Movies»*Kindergarten-5th Grades

    Join us from 6-7 on Wednesday evenings as we watch some movies and movie clips, and learn to find God's message to us even in "the movies…”...Did we mention there will also be POPCORN???

    *Nursery is available for ages 4 and under. 

Preschool Sunday School»10-10:40 AM

If you have a child PreK3-Kindergarten and do not have them in Sunday School, both of you are missing out! Mrs. Becky Roebuck, Mrs. Vickie McDonnell, and Mrs. Charlotte Mason spend time planning each week so that our little ones begin their spiritual journey learning the stories of the Bible through story time, art, and music! This fall, we will be LEARNING about God's love, KNOWING God loves us, and SHOWING God's love to others! In music with Mrs. Charlotte, we will TELL of God's love through MUSIC...and then, SHARE that love in WORSHIP. A date for helping to lead in worship will be determined soon!  

While your little one is in Sunday School, we have several Adult Classes for you to check out! Our ministry staff will be happy to help you select a "big person class" that best suits your needs!


October 29th»5th Sunday Worship & Potluck | Worship-10 AM»Potluck-11 AM

Trunk or Treat»4:30-6 PM

To stay informed about upcoming events or for more information, visit our FB page "Central UMC Children's Ministry", or call Sabrina Williams at 601-479-2178, or send an email to sabrina@cumcmdn.org.

Pastor’s PEN

In her excellent book, Letters to a Young Therapist, Dr. Mary Pipher discusses how family rituals strengthen families. One of the rituals she advises for families is to have a “high-low report” each night at dinner. Everyone at the table tells both the best thing and the worst thing that happened that day. One family she knows walks around their neighborhood every night after supper (weather permitting), checking on their neighbors, the flora, and the fauna. She commends parents who lead by example and uses these rituals to build protective walls around the family.

I was particularly struck by Dr. Pipher’s statement about the three things adults remember from their childhoods with the greatest pleasure. The three things are: family meals, time outdoors, and family vacations. It’s little surprise, then, that she encourages families to eat together, go on vacations, and spend time in the natural world.

Does her teaching connect with your experience as well when you think about it? I think it rings true for me, but I would hasten to add that some of the cultural experiences my parents “subjected” my sister and me to when we were young, such as theater, parades, and window shopping, also became sources of fond memories and appreciation in adult life. I’m sure my sister would agree. As Dr. Pipher says, quoting Plato, “Education is teaching our children to find pleasure in the right things.”

I would also include church in my list. Even the regular Sundays at church, youth group, family night dinners, choir, and mission days . . . I remember them all very fondly in retrospect. I remember them so well that I wonder if our parents would not have been robbing us of future blessings and confidence in God’s loving care had we not done the church things.

Actually, I don’t wonder about it at all.

Have a blessed month of September!



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REMINDER - You will no longer receive your Statement of Giving each quarter.

Click here if you would like to make a contribution.